
Chiropractic Pediatrics in Frankfort

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Chiropractic Is for Kids Too!

Children experience back pain and issues with their musculoskeletal system too—just like adults! Kids sit at desks at school all day and hunch over their homework at home. If their workstations aren’t set up ergonomically, they might experience some posture problems. 

Children of all ages can benefit from the pain relief and postural adjustments provided by chiropractic care. Chiropractic care is suitable for children of all ages. If your child is experiencing pain or discomfort, bring them to Life Effect Centers today.

Growing Pains

As a parent, you’re probably shocked at how quickly your child is growing! Kids certainly do go through growth spurts right under your nose, and before you know it, your small child is a tall teenager. 

While there’s no evidence that growth spurts are connected to muscle pain, children’s “growing pains” are very real. Children experience cramps and muscle pains that could be related to their very active lifestyles—have you ever tried to keep up with a kid as they run around your home? 

Legs, calves, and knees are the most common places for kids to feel growing pains. They may also get headaches

If your child is having a hard time with muscle pain, book their appointment today and let us help them find relief.


Located on La Grange Road, our practice can be found across the field from Terry’s RV Center. 

Our Address

  • 20550 South La Grange Road, Suite 220
  • Frankfort, IL 60423

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